I have had it on my to do list to write a new post for months and to write about ending a decade for weeks and I am just now finally getting around to it.
The end of my decade was absolutely insane in every way. Christmas break was far too short and went by far too fast. Winter/Christmas time is my favorite time of year because it allows for time spent with family and I am able to reflect on things from previous months and the past year. The last few months of the year were hard and I experienced sever burnout from moving too quickly through the stages of my life and I am hoping to prevent that in the new year.
With that being said, here are some of my New Year's Resolutions. (At this very late date, but hey it's not too late yet, right?)
1. Read at least one book a month (I love reading and I have not made time for it in my life and I miss it greatly)
2. Stick to my old workout plan (I was so fit and happy my last year of university and it has all been undone in just a few short months. I need to get back to that for my own mental and physical health)
3. Take at least one evening or afternoon for myself per week (Part of the reason I had a severe burn out and breakdown last year was because I was not using any of my time for myself and my own well being)
4. Actually cook things (I have learned that I suck at taking care of myself and eating like crap makes me feel very sick so that needs to stop asap)
5. Be more active on my blog and Instagram (I love writing these posts and posting on my Instagram and I need to make more time for it in my life)
These are a few things I've been reflecting on and feel would make my life calmer and myself happier and healthier for this new year. I am not that great at breaking habits and forming new ones without serious commitment so fingers crossed these will all stick.
Happy very late New Year readers!!!
