School years have been wrapping up all across the states and I have been thinking of my family at AU's SCSA a little extra this past week. There are so many talented and gifted kids who did not get their final bow, their final design, or even get to walk through the halls with a coffee on their way to take their last final ever. There are so many moments, big and small, that have been taken from them that most people, myself included, took for granted when we had them.
They had their senior year ripped from them without any sort of notice that those moments late February and early March were the last they would have at the schools that they have spent their last four years living at (and for those who do not know theatre majors literally live in the theatre at most times). These students deserve their little moments and deserve a real graduation. I haven't said much about this topic as I wanted to let these moments and the attention be on the seniors and their amazing work so this is my letter to them.
Dear Seniors,
You have done all the work and put in the sweat and tears to come this far, it is okay to be upset about what happened. You have earned that right. You are all going to change the world, I know it and I am so excited to see what you do with it. Everyone in your class has been amazing to be around and work with, some of you have helped me through hard times and I cherish every moment I have spent around you. I am so proud of you and you are going to kick butt in the "real world".
Here's to you, go make those dreams happen and reach for the stars. I am cheering for you every step of the way.
A super proud big sister
