As I'm sure most of you know, there is a virus spreading at an alarming rate currently around the world and it impacted my home state just this past week. Schools are shut down and I was informed last night that my show is cancelled.
It is a week after Spring break and I am sitting at home, trying to take things one day at a time but also failing as I try to make sense of what is going to happen in the coming weeks.
I submitted the necessary forms start to returning all the items I purchased via Amazon and I have until April 3 to drop the packages off at Whole Foods and a UPS Store. I just need to go to school and package them up. I was told I should not come in to work this week so I will need to find a time to go get the packages with the items in order to complete the return so the school can get the money back.
My heart goes out to all performers, tech, and designers who are impacted much more severely than I am. I am very lucky that I have a contract which should protect me in case of any shutdowns of my workplace and I know many are not as fortunate. My heart is heavy for my friends at Disney who were told their contracts were being terminated with little notice after announcing the temporary shut down.
Broadway has gone dark and national tours are being impacted, that's thousands of jobs and while some productions might be alright once they reopen this is a death sentence for many shows. The last time Broadway went dark in 2001, 5 of the 23 shows were forced to close after going dark for 3 days. Imagine how much larger the struggles and closures will be after being closed for over 4 full weeks. I hope that ways around figured out to keep shows open and allow shows who were closed the night of their opening to be able to still open and stay on Broadway.
Please consider ways to support the artists and students in the arts that you love, we are all uncertain what our futures will hold in the coming weeks or even months and need all the support we can get.
