So there is a river that runs right by my building and an island right across the river that is accessible by bridge just down the street. It was a nice day yesterday so I got some coffee from a local café and drove to the island.
Now, if you know me you will know that I hate the outdoors and the out of doors hates me too. I have been blessed with very high genetics of Celtic and Irish heritage that has given me the palest skin possible covered in freckles literally everywhere. (No seriously, I have had numerous people comment that I glow in the dark and I am always the palest person in the room) So sunshine and me are a recipe for disaster and it only takes the tiniest bit to turn me red for weeks. Bugs are also a huge problem for me too, as I am allergic to any and all kinds of bites.
Now I know what you're thinking, this story is not going to turn into me getting eaten and turning red. I was nervous that I would be pink or red from being in direct sun, as there was a breeze and was a bit chilly, but I have not seen a single mark of being in the sun today. I have never enjoyed being outside at all in the past 8 years, if not more, but I loved sitting by the water with my coffee and reading. I am already planning and looking forward to going again sometime soon.
Next time, hopefully I'll make it over earlier to grab coffee from the local coffee food truck set up on the island and I'll set up in the garden of the conservatory instead of by the water.
