The impossible finally came to pass over the past weekend, my final grades were posted and my official final transcript was sent off to the admissions office of my graduate school with all my grades from the past four years. It is so hard to think that when I first set foot on this campus over six years that it would all go by so fast. The reality of this phase being over did not hit me until I picked up my diploma the other day and held it in my hands. Some things still don't seem real, like flying up to find an apartment in the city for graduate school in a few weeks. In fact, as I sat here writing this post with my coffee, I received an email from my graduate university stating that my acceptance has been finalized. The future is coming quickly and reality is setting in that I am moving on to my next stage.
College is a time for finding yourself, learning to survive on coffee and minimal sleep, how to BS your English paper because you have to reach the word count, finding the few people who you can cling to in any circumstance no matter how far apart life takes you, and learning what your passions are and the lengths you are willing to go to in order to achieve them. Dreams are made into reality, goals are set, and plans are made in order to make them all possible. I was not sure as a junior in high school that I even wanted to go to college, I knew it was expected of me so I went through everything. I realized as soon as I got to campus that this was where I was meant to be and I have been continuously blessed and shown that I was not wrong and this campus at this point in time is exactly where I was supposed to be. I would not be anywhere near the person I am today if I had not come to AU at this time in my life.
So here's to 17 year old me; scared to think of the future, nervous every time anyone asks what schools I applied to because the answer is only one, getting more and more terrified when asked what my backup plan is because there isn't one, and dreading moving hours away from anyone I have known and being left alone in an unknown town. You made it. You survived all the things that you were so scared of and now you are moving across the country by yourself and you are confident in that decision. You created a great future and now you have the confidence to go and live it. So here's to you, you reached for the stars and caught them. Don't ever forget that you can do this, no matter what it is.
